This week, I think I'd like to talk about a few of my favorite things.

Let's start with fans. No, not the kind you use to keep cool in the heat or the kind of fan who cheers for the winning team. I'm talking super fans! The die-hard, take-no-mercy, live, breath and bleed football kind of fans. Heinz Field is full of them. There's not a fan in there on Sunday who isn't a die-hard and THAT is one of my favorite things.

Football, definitely, is another one of my favorite things. I can say, without a doubt, it is truly America's sport. I know that matter is debatable to some, but to me it's fact. I've never seen a group of more devoted, passionate and involved fans in any other sport. There's nothing like the smell of fall in the air and the sights and sounds of game day; yet another one of my favorite things.

Women, I have so much love and respect for women. I admire the devotion and dedication you have to all you love. I admire and appreciate your nurturing spirit, and I think the value that the women I know have brought to my life is absolutely priceless. Women continue to impress me with their willingness to sacrifice of themselves for something or someone that they love and believe in.

Winning, I love the feeling of a victory! Last week's game against the Jets felt incredible. Nothing feels better than working hard and walking off that field of competition with a win. No matter what sport you play. It feels great as we head to Oakland to have that win behind our backs. We can step into that stadium on Sunday in Oakland ready to fight hard, so that we can experience that feeling once again. Winning is definitely one of my favorite things.

My favorite color is black, because it's bold and, to me, it stands for strength, not to mention it being a part of my uniform. My favorite number is nine. I'm not exactly sure why, but it always has been and always will be. My favorite movie right now has to be "The Dark Knight." Check it out, if you get the chance. My favorite TV show right now is "Call of the Wildman." My favorite meal of the day is breakfast. And, of course, as you all know, my favorite word is Swurve.

Another one of my favorite things is you readers and all of my twitter followers and fans of my radio show! I feel like I have so many incredible things going on in my life and that includes all of you! Thanks for keeping up with me and for all of your feedback. Keep the questions coming!

Until next week.


Steelers cornerback Ike Taylor is a contributor for Trib Total Media. His column appears Fridays. He also hosts a talk show from 2 to 3 p.m. Tuesdays on TribLive Radio.

Posted in Ike Taylor, Pittsburgh Steelers, Sports Talk Radio

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