And we're off!

As I'm sure you're all aware, the 2012 NFL season got under way Wednesday, and the Cowboys walked away with a win against the Giants. As we are on the verge of our season opener, excitement is building. Our first game of the season is against the Denver Broncos at Denver, and I can't tell you how hungry and eager we are for this game; I hope you fans are, too.

Before I start the season, I like to reflect and remind myself of who I am, how I got to where I am today and what I need to do to continue to grow, not only as a player but also as a man. I think about all of the hard work I have put in personally and the work we have put in as a team. I think about my family and how much they mean to me. My son has his first T-ball game Saturday, and I know he's going to be a star out there. He's confident and motivated and just as fast as can be (#MINISWAGGIN). The thought of him out there makes me smile; it makes me so grateful for all I have in this world.

I reflect on the importance of surrounding myself with positive, motivated and hardworking people. Negativity and pessimism are contagious; they have no place in the lives of those who want to be happy, healthy and successful in life. I realized this early in life and have tried to remind others around me of this. There is no telling where a positive attitude and a no-excuse work ethic can take you.

I like to remind myself of everything I am grateful for in my life and let the things I tend worry about go. I remind myself of the simple joys, like laughing and joking around with friends, family and teammates, and trying new restaurants around town, which is one of my favorite things to do. On that note, if you haven't tried the sushi at Umi, you are missing out. It's one of my favorite spots in Shadyside.

I'm a bit of a foodie at heart, and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to enjoy eating out. It is those little things that make life worth living. So remember those things that make you smile or ignite your passion.

So with that said, who's ready? I know I am! Once I have taken the time to appreciate those things in life that I am grateful for, I feel fully prepared to take on the season with all that I have. To give anything less than 100 percent to this team, the coaches and the fans who have meant so much to me for the past decade, would be doing a disservice to myself.

I've got my Paradigm Swaggin' University gear laid out and lined up for the trip to Denver. Would love to see how many of you I can get to rock the Swaggin' University gear on game day each week.

I'm excited to see what the 2012 season has in store. Bring on Sunday night!

Steelers cornerback Ike Taylor is a contributor for Trib Total Media. His column appears Fridays. He also hosts a talk show Tuesdays from 2-3 p.m. on TribLive Radio.

Posted in Ike Taylor, Pittsburgh Steelers, Sports Talk Radio

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