We are broadcasting live Thursday night from the Main Street Brew House in Washington, PA 8pm to 11pm. Stop by to win prizes at our Draft Party with Pittsburgh Steelers and 2-Time Super Bowl Champion Ike Taylor, Former Steeler and Super Bowl Champion Mike Logan, Trib Columnist John Harris, Ken Laird and Daniel Dudley. We will be giving pick-by-pick analysis all night long throughout the first round of the NFL Draft. If you can’t make it out to the show tonight, listen live to our show from 8p-11p.
Friday night-we are broadcasting live from Uncle Buckles in Plum from 7pm to 10pm as we bring you the second and third round of the NFL Draft including the Steelers picks. Stop by to win prizes at our Draft Party with Pittsburgh Steelers and 2-Time Super Bowl Champion Ike Taylor, Former Steeler and Super Bowl Champion Mike Logan, Trib Columnist John Harris, Ken Laird, Michael Grau and Daniel Dudley.
Then Monday live at 9am, Ken Laird will start all of the analysis of how the Steelers did in the NFL Draft and how the AFC North and the rest of the league did as well.