Author Archives: Sports Talk Radio

28 Feb

Shero: "I'm comfortable with this team moving forward" by Jon Pennline

published in category: Pittsburgh Penguins
Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 – 8:38 am

The trade deadline passed at 3 pm without the slightest whisper of the Penguins being involved. For the first time in 23 years, Pittsburgh was neither buyers nor sellers, they simply chose to pass. But that is OK. At least, according to Pens' GM Ray Shero who announced shortly after the trade deadline that the […]


23 Feb

Ben Lovejoy of the Penguins In-Studio Brought to you by Dunkin' Donuts

published in category: Pittsburgh Pirates
Thursday, February 23rd, 2012 – 7:13 pm

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14 Feb

Steelers 2012 Season Already Filled with Questions by Jon Pennline

published in category: Pittsburgh Steelers
Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 – 8:35 am

While the Steelers made few changes to their roster after their Super Bowl run in 2010, this upcoming season sees enough change to warrant GM Kevin Colbert stating that the team is not rebuilding but merely, "retooling." With free agency one month away (March 13th), the Steelers will have plenty of names on the market […]


13 Feb

Q&A with Pittsburgh Power wide receiver P.J. "Superman" Berry by Dominic Errico

published in category: College Sports, Pittsburgh Steelers
Monday, February 13th, 2012 – 10:41 am

This will be the first of what I hope becomes a recurring feature here on "The Voice Says…." blog. I want to give you guys a chance to get to know some of the players who are part of our sports teams here in Pittsburgh. My first victim, errr, volunteer is a superstar in the […]


13 Feb

It's Not personal, It's Business. Unless We Make it Personal by Dominic Errico

published in category: Pittsburgh Steelers
Monday, February 13th, 2012 – 8:54 am

There's some sort of disconnect in the Pittsburgh Steelers organization these days. First of all this offseason we had head coach Mike Tomlin come out and say all the coaches would be returning, only for him to turn around a short time later and announce that Bruce Arians was "retiring." We saw how legitimate that […]


10 Feb

Pirates, Pitt Hoops and Weekend Lineup

published in category: College Sports, Pittsburgh Penguins, Pittsburgh Pirates
Friday, February 10th, 2012 – 4:17 pm's Jayson Stark has reported that SEVERAL teams have asked about trading for Garrett Jones. I know the question you are asking yourself right now is why? But a better question is why have the Pirates decided that Garrett Jones is untradeable? He's Garrett Jones, he hits pretty good against right-handers (career .275/.354/.483) but he's […]