Author Archives: Sports Talk Radio

06 Mar

Wednesday on TribLIVE Radio

published in category: Pittsburgh Penguins
Wednesday, March 6th, 2013 – 8:42 am

9am-Gerrit Cole on his impressive start yesterday. 9:20am-Robert Morris Hockey Coach Derek Schooley 9:40am-Tom Barton of on college hoops 10am-Jag Off of the Week Voting 10:40am-Dan Rosen of 1pm-Alby Oxenreiter 1:30pm-Lyle Richardson of the Hockey News and Spector's Hockey 2pm-Kevin Gorman Show 3pm-Inside High School Hockey


05 Mar

Tuesday on TribLIVE Radio

published in category: Ike Taylor, Pittsburgh Pirates
Tuesday, March 5th, 2013 – 8:45 am

9am-Broadcasting live from Pirates Spring Training-exclusive interviews with players and coaches. 1pm-Dejan Kovacevic Show live from Pirates Spring Training with Special Guest A.J. Burnett 2pm-Ike Taylor Show-listen today to win a signed Ike T-Shirt Today. 3pm-7p-Wrestling Reality with Justin LaBar


04 Mar

Monday on TribLIVE Radio

published in category: Pittsburgh Pirates, Pittsburgh Steelers
Monday, March 4th, 2013 – 9:12 am

Broadcasting Live from Pirates Spring Training featuring interviews with Bucs GM Neal Huntington and Closer Jason Grilli. 10am-Junker and Laird count down top 5 sports stories of the weekend. 10:30am-Penn State's Michael Mauti joins the show. 10:45a-11:15a-Dejan Kovacevic joins us on the set live at Pirates Spring Training. 1pm-Steigerwald vs. Fedko brought to you by […]


04 Mar

Time to get defensive…again by Jon Pennline

published in category: Pittsburgh Penguins
Monday, March 4th, 2013 – 9:09 am

The Pittsburgh Penguins are currently in a rut. While the standings may show otherwise with the team leading the division and second in the Eastern Conference, the team's recent performance has mirrored last April. To correct the issues from last season, one that concluded with 26 goals allowed in six games against the Flyers, Dan […]


01 Mar

Friday and Weekend TribLIVE Radio Lineup

published in category: Pittsburgh Penguins, Pittsburgh Pirates
Friday, March 1st, 2013 – 8:48 am

9am to 10am-Hi-Tech Auto Racing Show with Ralph Paulk 10am-Ken Laird and Dejan Kovacevic live from Pirates Spring Training 3pm-High School Hockey Athlete of the Week Announcement This Saturday night at 5pm-Adrian's Pizza Pittsburgh Hockey Pre-Game show getting you ready for Penguins-Canadiens. Sunday-Weekend Extravaganza 10am-1pm


26 Feb

Wrestling Reality Brought to you by the Pub at Tonidale

published in category: Pittsburgh Pirates
Tuesday, February 26th, 2013 – 3:38 pm

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