Author Archives: Sports Talk Radio

03 Feb

Olli Maatta

published in category: Pittsburgh Penguins
Monday, February 3rd, 2014 – 8:34 am

by Lisa Rectenwald When Olli Maatta began his nine-game tryout, most people didn’t expect him to make the team. Fans and some NHL writers seemed to think that the depth the Pittsburgh Penguins had on defense or simply his young age would keep him out of the line-up, but Maatta’s talent never seemed to be […]


28 Jan

Pitt Podcast

published in category: College Sports
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 – 12:21 pm Pitt Coach Barry Rohrssen talks Panthers, Super Bowl, best places to eat in Pittsburgh and Dick Groat.


27 Jan

Royal Rumble PGH

published in category: Wrestling Reality
Monday, January 27th, 2014 – 1:42 pm

Jeremy Ackman @jaackman321 It’s no secret that the WWE hosted a pay per view here in the city of Pittsburgh on Sunday night, first since October 2009. Fortunately, I had tickets 2 rows from ringside and enjoyed myself greatly, until about 1040pm est. The pay per view was pretty solid, and what made it was […]