<p>One of the most popular features at 1250 ESPN was always <em>JagOff of the Week</em>, or <em><span style="color: #000000">&amp;@%?#$</span> of the Week</em>, as some ridiculous suits in Bristol, CT decided to change the name to at one point. At it&#8217;s essence, it is what talk radio is all about: Bitching.</p>

<p>Every Friday from here on out, we&#8217;ll take up the cause and give you a chance to tell us who the biggest jagoff of the past seven days has been. <a href="mailto:cmack@tribweb.com">E-mail</a> your choice, <a href="http://www.twitter.com/THEChrisMack">tweet it</a> (with the tag #JagOffOfTheWeek) or just call 412-320-7925. We&#8217;ll count everything up, debate the hanging chads, make pop culture references from 10 years ago, and declaring a winner at the end of the show.</p>
<p><em>JagOff of the Week</em> starts today. Listen <a href="http://bit.ly/TribLiveRadioPlayer">here</a> on your PC, or <a href="http://bit.ly/TribLiveRadioMobile">here</a> on your smartphone.</p>

<p>I usually wouldn&#8217;t do this, but here are some suggestions just to get you rollin&#8217; this week&#8230; <strong><a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=yhoo-ept_sports_nfl_experts-310130">Bob Holtzman</a></strong> of ESPN (for giving away on national TV that the Steelers had a trick play planned for the Ravens), <strong><a href="http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/david-shoalts/angry-crosby-likely-to-skip-all-star-game/article1873903/">David Shoalts</a></strong> of the <em>Toronto Globe &amp; Mail </em>(for suggesting &#8220;sources&#8221; inside the Penguins told him Sidney Crosby would protest the NHL&#8217;s policy on head shots by skipping the All-Star Game, when in fact Shoalts completely made it up), <strong>Steven Tyler </strong>of Aerosmith (for crushing whatever little rock credibility he had left by joining the cast of &#8220;American Idol&#8221;), <strong>Rex Ryan </strong>(for&#8230; well, hell.. why not??), <strong><a href="http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Tom-Jackson-insists-he-picked-Pats-because-it-d-?urn=nfl-309643">Tom Jackson</a> </strong>of ESPN (for suggesting he picked the Patriots to beat the Jets only in an effort to motivate the Jets)&#8230; <a href="mailto:cmack@tribweb.com">Vote now</a>, and don&#8217;t be afraid to nominate someone else!</p>

Posted in Pittsburgh Penguins, Pittsburgh Steelers

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