Guy Junker checks in live after covering the Game 6 win in Tampa Bay. Sponsored by House O’ Hockey-celebrating their 25th Anniversary this year- also reflects the 25th anniversary of the Penguins bringing home their first Stanley Cup! In spirit of this celebration, providing 25% off Replica Premier Penguins Jerseys and 25% off all left-handed sticks!


Tampa Bay Host Greg Linnelli joins Tim Benz and Josh Taylor to talk about the series plus the Goodrich and Geist Injury Report. Goodrich and Geist are Lifelong Pittsburgh sports fans with deep Pittsburgh roots. Goodrich and Geist are involved in the community supporting youth sports and many other neighborhood programs. Goodrich and Geist is a law firm representing victims of negligence, making sure they receive just compensation, Billy Goodrich and Josh Geist are committed to larger changes that increase the general public’s safety. Call Josh or Billy to find out if you have a case at 412-766-1455. These guys will be straight with you. Goodrich and Geist are most proud of the long-term relationship that they have with their clients and clients’ families.

Posted in Pittsburgh Penguins